Dreamcatcher’s work and that of our founder is globally recognised and has featured in numerous publications ranging from the Washington Post to Suid Kaap Forum, the local paper where Dreamcatcher is based. Our work also features on the ‘Explorer’s Garden Route Hessequa‘ website which promotes tourism in the Hessequa Local Authority area and recognised by the Western Cape Government. We share our knowledge and expertise – below are examples articles and publications documenting our work and impact – where possible links have been provided.
Rossouw, A. & Woodard, R. (2024) “Waste – It’s mine It’s yours – Shamina Shawena”: The implementation of a pioneering Waste Action Plan in a South African community. International Solid Waste Association Annual Congress, Waste to Wealth: Solutions for a Sustainable Future. 15th-18th September, Cape Town, South Africa.
Gant, N. & Woodard, R. (2024) Chapter 5 The Wiki-Waste Workshop, in Baker-Brown, D. (ed) The Re-use Atlas: A Designer’s Guide Towards a Circular Economy. London: Royal Institute of British Architects Publishing.
Rossouw, A. (2022) In Focus 6 – the ‘Wasteland – Graced Land’ story of Melkhoutfontein, South Africa. In: M. Novelli, M. Cheer, C. Dolezal, A. Jones, & C. Milano. Handbook of Niche Tourism. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. Chapter. 32.
Suid Kaap Forum (2022) Melkie-fotoboek sien die lig (Melkies Photobook Sees The Light). 29th April 2022.
Rossouw, A. (2021) Guest speaker at Africa Youth in Tourism/UNTWO Conference. July 2021.
Woman 2 Woman (Botswana) (2021) Anthea Rossouw: A Dreamcatcher with a heart Africa-wide. November/December 2021.
The Invisible Mentor (2021) The One Problem Interview: Anthea Rossouw, Founder of Dreamcatcher. 7thMay 2021.
Thompson, A. (2020) Tackling the legacy of inequality and pollution for sustainable futures in South Africa. British Council, UK.
Insights (2020) Making Inroads. Insights, Nov/Dec 2020.
Activist (2020) Dreamcatcher South Africa. 22nd September 2020.
Suid Kaap Forum (2020) Melkies’ Iron Woman (Melkies Se Ystervrou). 12th March 2020.
Suid Kaap Forum (2020) Her Heart Beats For The Community (Haar Hart Klop Vir Die Gemeenskap). 11th March 2020.
Dlamini, I. (2020) From trash to treasure: the South African community taking ownership of waste. Pioneers Post, 24th January 2020.
Acquisition International (2018) Business Excellence Awards: Award for Excellence in Community Projects – South Africa. 2018.
Suid Kaap Forum (2018) Ready To Provide First Aid Service (Gereed Om Noodhulpdiens Te Verleen). 12th November 2018.
Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (2018) Centre for the Arts for Humanity launched – Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve. 13th March 2018.
Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (2018) Dreamcatchers at Melkhoutfontein. 28th February 2018.
Suid Kaap Forum (2018) Arts For Humanity Launched On Sunday (Kunste Vir Die Mensdom Is Sondag Bekendgestel). 8th March 2018.
Suid Kaap Forum (2017) Botanical Garden Progresses (Botaniese Tuin Vorder Fluks). 2nd February 2017.
Die Burger (2017) Gaan kry jou baba in die kombers daar in mooie Melkhoutfontein. 22nd September 2017 (print).
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) A Kamamma That Can (‘n kamamma wat kan). 1st December 2016.
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Entrepreneur’s Dreams Get Wings (Entrepreneur Se Drome Kry Vlerke). 18th November 2016. Related article: Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Aretha Jacobs Cammy’s Homestay Melkhoutfontein. 16th November 2016 (video).
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Dutch Tour Operators In Melkhoutfotein (Nederlandse Toeroperateurs In Melkhoutfotein). 18th November 2016.
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Paint Project Progresses Smoothly On Fountain (Verfprojek Vorder Fluks Op Fontein). 4th August 2016. Related articles: Suid Kaap Forum (Updated) Melkhoutfontein Cottages Are Beautified; Suid Kaap Forum (Updated) Fountain Is Colorfully Decorated; Suid Kaap Forum (Updated) Colourful cottages on Melkhoutfontein (photo gallery)
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) From Ash Heap To Botanical Garden (Van Ashoop Tot Botaniese Tuin). 4th August 2016. Related article: Suid Kaap Forum (2016) From ash heap to flower splendor (photo gallery)
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Restoring An Old Church. 4th August 2016.
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Old Church Being Restored. 29th July 2016.
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) La Bloemen Botaniese Tuin. 29th July 2016 (video).
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Saving St Augustines. 29th July 2016 (video).
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) St Augustines lykshuis. 29th Jul 2016 (video).
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Old Church Being Restored. 29th July 2016.
Maandblad Zuid Afrika (2016) La Bloemen Een tuin een township. June 2016, p.129 (print).
Suid Kaap Forum (2016) Dutch Blossoms At Melkhoutfontein. 22nd May 2016.
Southern African Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (2016) South African Minister of Tourism is Hosted by Dreamcatcher. 12th January 2016.
Tourism Tatler (2015) Homestays: The Dreamcatcher Story. June 2015, p. 22-23.
OOG VOOR AFRIKA (Netherlands) (2015) Applaud the Kamammas – the Mothers of Africa. Year 4, 2nd edition 2015.
Suid Kaap Forum (2014) Dutch Celebrity Visits Melkhoutfontein (Nederlandse Bekendes Besoek Melkhoutfontein). 16th May 2014.
Den Haag Centraal (2013) Leerlingen VCL zetten Karin Bloemen in schijnwerpers tijdens benefietconcert. 8th November 2013 p4 (print).
De Posthoorn (2013) La Bloemen helpt Kamamma’s. 6th November 2013 (print).
Maanblad Zuid- Afrika (2013) Dreamcatcher benefietvoorstelling. October 2013 no.9, p177 (print).
Suid Kaap Forum (2013) Volunteers Lend A Hand In Melkhoutfontein (Vrywilligers Sit Hand By In Melkhoutfontein). 14th February 2013.
Den Haag Central (2012) Vrouwen in township Zuid-Afrika krijgen hulp van Karin Bloemen. 30th November 2012 (print).
Suid Kaap Forum (2012) Melkhoutfontein Captures Celebrity’s Heart (Melkhoutfontein Vang Bekendes Se Hart Vas). 22nd November 2012.
Elenbaas, N. & Santema, M. (2011) The Big Five of South Africa. Vrije Uitgever, Netherlands.
De Telegraaf (2011) Ruggengraat van Zuid-Afrika. 13th October 2011 (print).
Crawley News (2010) South Africa waste shown the red card. 12th May 2010 (print).
Suid Kaap Forum (2010) Groen denke gee insig by die Kursus. 26th March 2010 (print).
Candis Travel (2009) Colourful Cape Town. March 2009, p. 106-108 (print).
Gemsbok (2008) Vrywillig vir Oasis. 21st March 2008 (print).
Kalahari News (2008) Ms Anthea Rossouw, known to many as ‘Dreamcatcher’. 29th February 2008, p2-3.
De Echo (2008) Kamamma’s te gast in Bijlmer. 9th January 2008 (print).
TourPRess.nl (2008) Zuidafrikaanse Kamamma’s stelen iders hart. 1st January 2008 (print).
Rossouw A. (2007) Leading Women to Self-sufficiency. In Beckford, A. Tales of People Who Get It: Real People! Real Stories! Real Wisdom! Real Success! Lulu Enterprises, USA. P.106-109.
De Telegraaf (2007) Een better leven voor Iedereen. 23rd December 2007, p25 (print).
Stellenbosch Gazette (2007) Meet Kamamma Esma. 29th October 2007 (print).
Gemsbok (2007) Die Dreamcatcher Stigting Suid-Afrika. 5th October 2007, p23 (print).
South African Tourism (2007) SA Tourism partners with the heritage month cook-up in the Netherlands. 28th September 2007 (print).
Support Magazine (2007) Anders Bekeken. June 2007, no 3 (print).
Resource Magazine (2007) Self-marketing within the South African context If You Want Sustainable Success, Wanting Is Not Enough… June 2007.
George Herald (2007) Catching Dreams in Thembalethu. 19th April 2007 (print).
Cape Argus (2007) Me and My Job: Evelyn Swartbooi. 11th April 2007 (print).
Die Burger (2007) Gestremde toeriste kla oor Kaapstad. April 9th 2007 (print).
Die Burger (2007) Township-toerisme kry hupstoot. March 29th 2007 (print).
Eikestad Nuus (2007) R1 million for tourism (print).
Stellenbosch Gazette (2007) R1 million for tourism. 3rd April 2007, p2 (print).
Worcester Standard (2007) Women empowered. April 5th 2007, p12 (print).
Cape Argus (2007) R1 million boost for tourism. March 30th 2007, p26 (print).
Gemsbok (2007) Buitelanders deel hul kennis by Oasis. 9th March, p3 (print).
SPITS (2007) Reisbranche worstelt met gedragscode. 10th January 2007, p8 (print).
Die Burger (2005) ‘Soustannies’ skep pap in Kanada. 7th November 2005 (print).
Valor Economico (2005) Zebra. October 2005, p. 41-47 (print).
South African Country Life (2005) Happy Home. October 2005, p58-60 (print).
Toronto Star (2005) Kamammas cook up recipes for success. September 28th 2005 (print).
Suid Kaap Forum (2005) Students from Hereford, England visit schools. April 2005 (print).
Los Angeles Times (2005) A Brush With Tradition. 17th April 2005.
De Telegraaf (2005) Thuis eten in het echte Afrika. 15th January 2005 (print).
Suid Kaap Forum (2004) Homestays word opgeknap. 24th December 2004 (print).
Kaap-Rapport (2004) So vang ‘n mens drome. 12th December 2004, p5 (print).
Federatie van Internationale Culturele- en Vriendschapsverenigingen in Nederland Nieuwsbrief (2004) ‘Baie dankie’, ik ben nu iemand en hoor erbij. 2004. (print).
Die Burger (2004) Eden-toerisme onder die loep. 13th September 2004, p1 (print).
South African Country Life (2004) A garden in Eden. September 2004, p74-77 (print).
Tourism Tatler (2004) Dreamcatcher catches on. Issue 2 2004 (print).
Paarl Post (2004) Finding hope in people. 12thAugust 2004 (print).
Sawubona (2004) The cookin’ kamammas. August 2004 (print).
Washington Post (2004) The places and faces of South Africa. 11th July 2004 (print).
Garden Route Advertiser (2004) Kamammas cook up a storm at Indaba. 9th May 2004 (print).
SFGATE (2004) Over the rainbow in South Africa / Driving tour samples nation’s many colors and cultures. 25th July 2004.
Tampa Bay Times (2003) Chasing South Africa’s rainbow. 14th December 2003.
Nel, E., & Binns, T. (2002). Place Marketing, Tourism Promotion, and Community based Local Economic Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The Case of Still Bay—The “Bay of Sleeping Beauty.” Urban Affairs Review, 38(2), 184–208. https://doi.org/10.1177/107808702762484088Rossouw, A. (2002) Making Mandela’s Dream Work for Tourism. Daysign Cape Town, South Africa.
Haagsche Courant (2001) Sonja Van Proosdij – Social avontuur in Zuid-Afrika. 12th October 2001, p2. (print).
Sarie (2000) Droomvanger. 13th December 2000, p136 (print).
Rossouw, A. (1999) Making Mandela’s Dream Work for Tourism in South African Communities. Flamingo Print, Cape Town.Z
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