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In 2019 Chairperson of Dreamcatcher Nederlands Hans Mooren, embarked on a unique photo project in Melkhoutfontein with Dreamcatcher South Africa NPC. The project, embracing a human centred approach the aim of the photo project was to recognise the diversity and heritage of the community of Melkhoutfontein, situated in the Stilbaai (Click to read more)
In 2018 and 2019 Hans Mooren, an enthusiastic photo-journalist and Chair of our sister organization, Dreamcatcher Nederlands, visited Melkhoutfontein to launch a photo project with us and the community. Affirming humanity at the heart of the project, and celebrating the people, diversity and heritage of Melkhoutfontein, Hans took over 200 (Click to read more)
In 2014 we were approached by the then priest, Father Susan Rhode, the church wardens and the community to extend our work and help restore the historical St Augustine’s church in Melkhoutfontein, Stilbaai, which was abandoned and in a poor state of disrepair with anti-social behaviour taking place. Located adjacent (Click to read more)