We are elated and honoured to feature in a chapter as a best practice case study and tourism experience in a prestigious new handbook dedicated to niche tourism. Chapter 32 in the Handbook tells the Dreamcatcher story of focusing on sustainable, responsible tourism development and practise. The only chapter featuring tourism in South Africa, was selected for inclusion after extensive research by some of the world’s leading experts on tourism.
The outcomes based inclusive model focusing on innovation was pioneered and developed in and with the community of Melkhoutfontein in the Western Cape. Following a human-centred approach, the ethos and project underpins the three cornerstones of sustainability, namely social justice, economic efficiency and environmental integrity. Going truly local, the Wasteland – Graced Land model delivers on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Today Melkhoutfontein has developed into a tourism destination and experience in its own right. Predominantly women and youth enterprises welcome visitors from around the world. Based on the positive impacts, Dreamcatcher has implemented the community-based experience in several communities in South Africa, with requests from across Africa and globally to share the model and experience. We are proud to have hosted visitors from over 30 countries and this week alone we are happy to welcome 32 visitors from the Netherlands to Stellenbosch. You can find out much more about ‘Going Truly Local’ here.